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Our compost is made from clean locally sourced agricultural and food waste products.  
Unlike most commercially made compost, we take the time to allow the compost to fully mature and settle over 6 to 12 months.
Our compost is made to Australian and ACO Organic standards.
It comes in a handy 20 litre bucket.
Bring the clean bucket back and you'll receive $5 off your next bucket of compost - Swap and Grow!

Aged Organic / Biodynamic Compost - 20 Litre Bucket

  • Particle Size Grading Soil Conditioner

    Organic Matter (%OM)

    c/n ratio 24%
    PH 6.7%
    Nitrogen (N) .7%
    Phosohorus (P) .2%
    Potassium (K) .24%
    Calcium (Ca) .8%
    Magnesium (Mg) .19%
    Sulphur (S) .07%



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